de_comm config.module.json Configuration File

A file called de_comm.config.module.json exists in /home/pi/drone_engage/de_comm/ This file is written in JSON format. However, you can still add comments to the file. To those who do not know JSON just consider it a text file that you need to edit only few lines in it.

login to your Raspberry-PI board using ssh.

ssh pi@raspberry_pi_ip_address

and go to the file

cd /home/pi/drone_engage/de_comm/

and open the file

nano config.module.json

Fields Meaning


Heading Field Name

Heading Description

Heading Example


just a name for your module.

“C1” , “COMM_MAIN” …etc.

“s2s_udp_listening_ip” (**)

listen ip for the de_comm module to communicate with other modules.

“” if all modules on the same board else “”.

“s2s_udp_listening_port” (**)

ip port used to communicate with other modules.

default: “60000”.

“auth_ip” (**)

authentication server ip

“”, “”, or your local server ip.

“auth_port” (**)

authentication server port. It is a number no “”

default: 19408. Do not change unless you use a local server.

“userName” (M)

just a name for your module.

“C1” , “COMM_MAIN” …etc.

“accessCode” (M)

just a name for your module.

“C1” , “COMM_MAIN” …etc.

“unitID” (M)

a readable name for your drone that will be displayed.

“drone1”, “D1-Copter” …etc.

“groupID” (**)



“unitDescription” (M)

a brief single line description of vehicle.

“My X8 Drone” …etc.

“logger_enabled” (*)

enabling it will create a log file for each run in a folder called Logs


(*) You can keep default value.

(**) You SHOULD keep the default value unless you know what you do.

(M) You need to change it based on your account.

Note: userName and accessCode can be generated from Create your Drone-Engage Account Key.