Communication Server
Communication Server function is to exchange communication messages between different units and webclients. It is like a chatting server. Communication Server runs as part of Drone-Engage Server modules.
Source Code:
Web UDP Telemetry is part of the communication server.

- Settings is defined in a file called server.config the most important fields are:
server_id: Defines name of the communication server.
server_ip: Defines ip that is the server is listening to. default: “::”
public_host: This is the ip or domain name of the server from the view points of DroneEngage units and webclient.
server_sid: A fixed unique number given to the server, as the system allows multiple communication servers to run together.
server_port: Defines the port that is the server is listening to. default:9966
enable_SSL: Sometimes you want to skip the SSL connection validation, due to constraints in your network.
s2s_ws_target_ip: This is the ip of Authentication Server. This is a websocket connection between Authentication Server and Communication Server.
s2s_ws_target_port: This is the port for the same websocket connection between Authentication Server and Communication Server.
"server_id" : "DE_Lap",
"server_ip" : "::",
"public_host" : "",
"server_sid" : 0,
"server_port" : 9966,
"enable_SSL" : true,
"s2s_ws_target_ip" : "",
"s2s_ws_target_port" : "19408",
"ssl_key_file" : "./ssl/privkey.pem",
"ssl_cert_file" : "./ssl/fullchain.pem",
"allow_fake_SSL" : true,
"ca_cert_path" :"/home/pi/ssl/root.crt",
"ignoreLoadingTasks" : true,
"command_plugin" : "./js_andruav_command_processing",
"allow_udpproxy_fixed_port" : true,
"ignoreLog" : true,
"log_directory" : "./logs/",
"log_timeZone" : "GMT",
"log_detailed" : true
Although above is a JSON file but you can add comments to the code using // and /* */ blocks.