DroneEngage Custom Plugin
Writing a Custom Plugin allows you to write a module that can handle hardware part such as GPIO or sensors …etc. or writing a module that performs data processing, such as processing images from the camera module for example. Once you write this module and integrate it to the system using Databus library you will be able to access that new module from even remote units, and Drone-Engage Web Client.
The Code
There are two parts of the code you need to understand if you want to make a custom plugin.
Broker Code
The broker code, which is part of the Communicator Module, and this part you do not need to go deeply into it unless you need to make a complex plugin.
Source Code: https://github.com/DroneEngage/droneengage_communication/tree/master/src/de_broker

Drone Engage Plugin Code
This is actually the part of code that you will include into your plugin. Your plugin can be written in C++, nodejs, Python, or any other language, however the available plugin templates are in C++, nodejs and Python.
Source Code: https://github.com/DroneEngage/droneengage_databus