.. _andruav-gcs: ========================== Andruav GCS App (obsolete) ========================== .. warning:: Andruav GCS is obsolete, it has been replaced with :ref:`webclient-whatis`. Andruav App works in two modes. **Drone mode** which is used to connect to drone and control it as a companion computer. And **GCS mode** that works as a ground control station. These modes are switchables from the button highlighted in the below image. .. image:: ./images/gcs_screen.png :height: 400px :align: center :alt: GCS Screen .. youtube:: 5wd5S8onxq8 | The above image shows a typical scenario where the user opens **MAP** screen to monitor drones, a drone list is available. A user needs to select a drone -as multiple drones could exist-. If the drone disconnected from FCB a user can press **CTRL** button to reconnect drome mobile to FCB board. **FCB Button** is a telemetry for other GCS apps. Please refer to :ref:`andruav-gcs-telemetry`.